We did a photo shoot while I was on site, to deliver the beginning of the year to which I have applied. Hope you enjoy and write me to keep climbing as they like. You can suggest me as you would like and would like to do, I like to be used.
Wow, "Douchebag" just believes in the old adage that if he keeps on repeating a lie, somehow it will become the truth. Let me explain again, dullard. You can't claim someone is harassing you when the record clearly shows that you ALWAYS . . . repeat ALWAYS . . . initiate the conflict. All one has to do is look down this or any of the other Boards and the proof of my words is evident. In law there is an old adage; if one has the law on your side, he'll argue the law . . . if one has the facts, he'll argue the facts . . . if he has neither, he'll just argue LOUDLY. That's you in a nutshell, my dimwitted friend.
Okay, time to show "Douchebag" who owns whom. Take a look on every board and you will notice that the first post of every single day is "Douchebag" attacking me. Thus the first thought on "Douchebag's" pointed head every single day involved ME! Translation: he's obsessed with me. In other words, his ACTIONS show how clearly I have controlled him. Deal with your loser status, ";
Take a look at your comment as well as the time you posted, "; Now your first action of the day is, once again, to come after me. Now who is it acting in an obsessive manner? As to your claim that I'm "your bitch," you can only scream the words . . . I have repeatedly shown evidence--including you well-documented obsessive behavior relating to me--substantiating the fact that I have owned you to the point of your becoming delusional. Again, the fact that I can accomplish making you write statements like the one below while writing articulate and well-reasoned statements like this only proves my superior status.
Well, "QUEER Hornet," I'm still on the same moniker for over 12 years . . . and you apparently had to change yours after the webmaster booted you. So who is it that needs correcting? The fact that you created a new moniker apparently for the expressed purpose of coming after me only shows how much I've dominated you. You can't simply walk away, can you? You're totally obsessed with me. Of course, given your conduct, I'm pretty sure you obsess over LOTS of guys.
flag the pope of holier than Moron aka danny in the hamburger as soon as he starts his whoever told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice....
By the way, the OTHER thing that shows how obsessed--thus beaten--you've become is the time at which you posted. Your first thoughts every morning are about me. Dude, I don't give you a second thought . . . ever. If you pop up on the board, I address you. Other than that, you simply don't exist. You're totally inconsequential . . . without worth . . . nobody . . . just like you probably are in the real world.
You know, you may think that insults me, but in truth, it shows how badly you've been beaten by me. It shows that you have become so obsessed with me that you're willing to create a moniker SPECIFICALLY aimed at me. In short, nothing you say under this moniker matters, as your moniker ends debate immediately.
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I Like To Be Used
Posted by: Patricia
We did a photo shoot while I was on site, to deliver the beginning of the year to which I have applied. Hope you enjoy and write me to keep climbing as they like. You can suggest me as you would like and would like to do, I like to be used.