While on a cruise, I tried to convince my husband to let me ask one of the male crew workers if I could borrow their suit coat for this photo shoot. He said they could possibly get in trouble, so asked me not to. I hope you enjoy my pussy captain gallery!
Whenever you take photos with the light behind the subject you get photos like silhouettes. You should have taken them like the last one where the model is well lit.
you lucky gal! i'm sure you get lots of pleasure from the enthusiastic fan mail you get from fans like me thx to your cock exciting pics. and i bet you get lots and lots of orgasmic pleasure from the fuck hubby pleasures you with cos he's so proud that your pics excite so many cocks like mine
O Captain! My Captain!
Posted by: HotHoney
While on a cruise, I tried to convince my husband to let me ask one of the male crew workers if I could borrow their suit coat for this photo shoot. He said they could possibly get in trouble, so asked me not to. I hope you enjoy my pussy captain gallery!